Monday, October 7, 2013

In Broken Places: A review

Brokenness is such a vague and huge topic and so prevalent in our society today in all it's forms that only the brave attempt to understand it and are willing to be God's instrument to fight it. Michele Phoenix is one of those brave authors who attempts to show us this through the life of her characters especially the main character Shelby. This story has quickly become one of my favorites. There are so many themes to explore in this story but I won't overwhelm you I'll only mention a couple because you must read this book yourself. I love to read but there are only few books that I get really excited about and this is one of them. Two themes that I saw and reached out and grabbed me are relationships and pain. The relationship our main character has with her brother, mother, and especially the one she has with her father which leads the one with her half sister. Michele shows us how those relationships help Shelby to discover who she is and to be able to start raising her half sister. Pain was a theme I did not want to see but impossible to overlook. Especially with the references to C.S. Lewis's Shadowland and the flashbacks from Shelby's childhood. Another aspect of the book which appealed to me because once upon a time I wanted to teach, so her interactions with her students was very special to me. There's more I could say but i want you to find out yourself. This is not an easy read by  means but once you get started you'll want to read more and go back to what you've read for a second look.  If you like stories about characters of strength, love and discovery you'll love this book. 

About The Book: Shelby’s life isn’t glamorous, but it is predictable—and that’s the way she likes it. A survivor of her father’s violence, she has spent a lifetime creating a safe existence devoid of dependence. But her carefully managed world begins to break when, under staggering circumstances, she becomes a single mother to four-year-old Shayla. In a drastic attempt to escape her childhood’s influence, Shelby moves to Germany, but she quickly discovers how intimately linked memory and healing are—and how honestly she must scrutinize her past in order to aspire to a richer future. As she juggles a new job, a new culture, a new daughter, and the attention of an enterprising man, Shelby’s fresh start becomes a quest for the courage to be not only a survivor, but someone who prevails.

Author Website:

This book was given to me for my honest review.